Contact us with your details i.e. your name, e-mail or telephone number and a brief description of your property. 

We will then contact you to discuss your requirements and discuss the best way to effectively market your property.

  1. Agree a date for filming to take place.
  2. You sign the contract and pay a deposit.
  3. Our production team arrive at the property in the morning and spend the entire day at the property and on location. (The client can tell us if there are any views that they would definitely want to include, if there’s a really nice view from the balcony for example)
  4. The script is agreed with the client and First Vista then creates the marketing video of your property.
  5. We create your own channel on YouTube and host your video in whichever languages you require.
  6. On final payment, the client is authorised to use the video and link to the video from any of his/her current villa rental websites. You will also receive a complementary DVD featuring the high definition video of your property in each of the languages that you have purchased and the high resolution still photographs.